Hangin by the Bay

Today I planned on going to the Eureka christmas tree lighting to test out taking pictures at night with the christmas lights. However, it was freezing and dark before it even started and time was not on my side. So I did the next best thing, I set up my tripod at home by my tree and tested out a few shots playing with ISO, movement, lighting, and a few select photoshop tools (burn, dodge, saturation, levels, & layers). I took about 20 shots and picked my favorites, edited them, and then put them together in my first attempt at a photo- journalistic type collage...
-Left Top Pic- Desaturate, a touch of hue, saturation on ornament only
I'm not sure what I think about this one- Scratch that, the more I look at it the more I dislike it but it was a good picture to practice object selection and color/b&w selections...
-Right Top Pic- Saturation, Lighting Levels, Sharpness, Highlighting edges, impressionist brush on ball
I really like the way this pic turned out! It didnt take too long to edit it this way and I love the play of light that the edge highlighting created...
I went to Patricks Point State Park today for a hike. It was gorgeous! However, this wreaked havoc on my pictures because it was waayy to bright out for my lil'ol' point-&-shoot! So I had to try and mess around with the exposure of the photos as well as the settings in order to capture the waves breaking; and then had to mess with the exposure/light balance in Elements...
I entered 6 photographs in the Humboldt County Fair, Amateur Photography Division, and came out with my first ribbon!!
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